Boxing Clever Boxing Clever Boxing Clever
Boxing Clever Publishing

Greetings and Salutations

Allow us to cordially welcome you to the digital home of the Boxing Clever Publishing Division. Our purpose, our vision, our passion is to produce our own brand of featured work in a medium that celebrates the trinity of design, writing and tangible product and make it available for mass consumption. Ah, books.

Our Current Project: Archibald's Next Big Thing

It’s a beneficial life lesson for children and adults alike as told through the eyes of a chicken named Archibald. Emmy award-winning actor Tony Hale (Veep, Arrested Development) and co-author Tony Biaggne pen the story of Archibald, who is on a quest to find his next big thing.

Brilliantly illustrated by Boxing Clever’s Misty Manley and the amazingly talented Victor Huckabee, this children’s book is a heartwarming adventure for the imagination. On sale now at and on Amazon.